How Often And How Important Is It To Reboot Your Router

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How many times have you experienced internet downtime and have rebooted your router to fix it? It’s now second nature to us to unplug the router, wait ten seconds, and then switch it on again and miraculously see the internet working again.

Although the routers can seem very mysterious, you can use them to solve the problem if you know what’s wrong.

How Exactly Do Routers Work?

You can think of your router as a computer. Inside the modem are a CPU, local storage, and memory. Sometimes, like a computer, your router may experience a bug. This can be due to the CPU overheating or a memory leak or anything else. However, just like a computer, a router can be rebooted to make it run smoothly again. Although this doesn’t exactly solve the issue causing the downtime, it does fix it temporarily.

There are multiple reasons why your router needs to be rebooted. This can solve some minor issues. Sometimes, however, your internet does not suffer from any downtime at all for months. Even in such times, it is a good idea to reset your router periodically.

How Many Times Should We Reboot Our Router?

There is no exact answer to this question, although experts recommend resetting your router every couple of months, even if you experience no internet downtime. A reboot can fix internet connectivity issues, fix slow connections, and is one of the major troubleshooting options available to you at home.

Faster Connection

Periodically rebooting your router can give you a few major benefits. One of these benefits is that you’ll get a much quicker internet connection. That’s because your internet service provider assigns you a unique temporary IP address to each of your devices, which they can change at any time. If your router does not recognize the change, your connection can become very slow or drop altogether.

The same thing can happen if you have multiple devices connected to a single router. Therefore, resetting your router once in every two months can give you a speedier connection.

Prevent Hacking

Restarting your router, however, gives you even more benefits than getting a faster connection. It can actually prevent you from being hacked.

Last year, the FBI advised all homes and businesses to reset their routers after a threat from foreign hackers that impacted thousands of networks around the world. By using a malware called VPNFilter, these hackers were able to misuse the device, hack into private information, block network traffic and make some internet routes inaccessible.

The FBI recommended restarting your routers so that it could disrupt the malware. Cybersecurity experts also recommended users keep their firmware, like antiviruses, firewalls and administrative control up-to-date to prevent other hacking threats and to restart their router after every update.

Can Routers Really Prevent Cyber Attacks?

It certainly doesn’t hurt to try. Rebooting your router is very easy to do, and is perfectly harmless. It is also one of the very first troubleshooting options when you are experiencing internet or network issues.

However, according to security experts, a simple rebooting won’t effectively protect you from a cyber attack. Part of the code of the malware can still survive until the router is given a factory reset. That is the only surefire way to completely eliminate the VPNFilter from your router.

You can do a factory reset by holding down the reset button on your router for a few seconds. However, after that you will have to reconfigure all your settings. You may need to call your internet provider to help you do that.

Experts say rebooting your router is a simple and safe thing to do when you are facing connectivity woes and cyber threats. If you are especially concerned about the security of your router, a factory reset is the way to go.

7 Habits that Reduce Stress

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Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and stress plays a huge role in increasing its risk.

Our lives have become so busy these days that stress is now part and parcel of our everyday routine. Everyone hears helpful advice like “don’t stress yourself,” but that is easier said than done. However, if you are committed to reducing stress, it really can be done.

Here’s how:

1. Request Extra Hands for Help with Kids

Stress is inevitable in parenting. It can begin as early as pregnancy and once the child is born, no parent is safe from stress. How to change the diapers, when to feed the child, and how to get some sleep in between remain some of the primary stressors that new parents face. Contrary to popular belief, stress does not lessen as your child grows older; it only changes its sources.

At this time, it is important that parents establish a support system. You will often get the most offers of help during pregnancy and immediately after birth. This is no time to be shy. You need to accept all the extra hands you can as it can be virtually impossible to take care of a new-born child alone.

Make sure you acknowledge anyone who is willing to help you and keep a record of them for future reference. Getting help does not mean asking someone to babysit your child for the entire day; it could just mean half an hour while you jump into the shower or 15 minutes to have that badly needed cup of tea.

2. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep deprivation accompanies people of every age during stressful times. Whether you’re a new parent, have an exam, or are working on a challenging office project, you will probably experience sleep deprivation as the direct result of your stress.

To get healthy sleep, reduce your screen time – news hour in particular – as that can lead to even more stress. Instead, use the time to listen to relaxing music. Establish a routine for bed and wake-up times. Make sure you are sleeping in a comfortable setting, with optimal room temperature, no noise or any other kind of disturbance that can ruin your sleep.

3. Eat Right

Since we are extra-busy these days, finding the time to prepare and eat healthy food is difficult to come by. However, junk and fast food are the biggest sources of stress as the harmful ingredients in them can increase our blood sugar and cholesterol, which can result in hypertension and cardiac diseases.

Eating at home often guarantees you are eating the right things. Try to keep nutritious foods at hands like green veggies, fresh fruits, grains, and nuts and incorporate them into your diet as much as possible.

4. Get Exercise

Research suggests that exercise contributes towards reducing stress as it releases dopamine, our happy hormone.

Doing some yoga, practicing tai chi, or performing meditation can bring balance to your hay-wired emotions. If you are extremely worked up, hang a punching bag in your garage and let loose on it whenever you are feeling stressed. Also, try to include early morning running or biking in your schedule. Just an hour of exercise each day can alleviate your stress levels dramatically.

5. Minimize Drama

It is so easy to fall prey to gossip and someone else’s drama, but try not to pay attention to them, especially if you work with a gossip-monger. Malicious feelings, like anger, envy, and resentment, can eat away your feeling of well-being and cause needless stress. Therefore, remove yourself from such situations and encase yourself in a bubble of peace and self-confidence.

6. Take Some Downtime

Many of us live with the misconception that if we don’t think about the fact that we are sick, we will get better; however, nothing could be further from the truth. If you have a viral infection, food poisoning or even the slight flu, it is OK to skip school or work and take out some downtime. Use the day to go offline, get some much-needed rest, and eat healthy.

7. Take Care of Your Emotional Health

Chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and nightmares. To reduce this risk, take care of your emotional health. The easiest way to do that is to spend time with your kids, family, friends and loved ones. You don’t have to book a weekend at the Disney World or host expensive dinners. Simply ask them to accompany you to run around the park, or spend 30-minutes if quality time engaging in healthy discussions.

Once you establish these few habits, you will start to feel inner peace, contentment and a feeling of enjoyment.

Here Are 5 Strategies to Inspire Your Employees

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5 Effective Ways to Inspire & Motivate Your Employees

It is easy to assemble a dream team. However, it is not as easy to keep it.
Most managers these days face a conundrum when their previously happy, enthusiastic, and inspired employees are not so anymore. When your employees lose their luster, is there any way to get it back?

Here are five things that have worked:

Give Credit Where Credit’s Due

A lot of managers come with the attitude that they don’t need to recognize or thank their employees because they are only doing a job that they are being paid for.

Unsurprisingly, this attitude is one of the biggest let down for employees. But being recognized, appreciated, and feeling that they provide value to the company is what forges a connection between employees and their managers.

The beauty of recognition and appreciation is that it is virtually free. Sometimes, all a manager needs to do is send a thoughtful email or handwritten note letting a person know how valuable he/she is to the company, or announcing their accomplishments to the team.

Provide Incentives

Going a step further, there is no reason not to reward a job well done with a prize. Doing this will help the employee become motivated for a repeat performance. It will also inspire other team members to give their utmost to be the next in line to get said prize.

Incentivizing does not just mean monetary compensation. It can just be positive reinforcements like giving your employees a free lunch, an early time out, gift cards, movie tickets, or dinner reservations. Not only does this kick in the reward centers in our brain, but it also inspires some healthy competition which has been proven to improve performance.

Create a Lively Workplace

Nobody wants to spend over eight hours at a dull and dreary office; such a place is enough to kill anyone’s mood and sap their energy. Your mood also affects your creativity, performance, concentration, and sense of well-being.

Studies show that offices with noisy air conditioners and low ceilings have the most stressed employees than offices that are open and filled with natural lighting. Modern offices are places where employees actually want to spend time. These offices are starting to resemble homes, and their kitchen and gyms are becoming centers of activity. Some great ideas to brighten up your office include adding bean bags, eclectic furniture, and plants to your workplace. Break-away spaces, where employees can just hang out and relax, are also becoming very popular.

Give Some Time Off

What is the point of devising a complicated vacation and holiday plan if your employees are not being given the opportunity to take them? A lot of managers do not give their employees sufficient time off from work, even during the holiday seasons or when their kids are on vacation from school. What these employers don’t know is that a few days off from the office’s hectic schedule can do wonders for an employee’s performance. If they knew this, they would certainly give their team ample opportunities to take a well-deserved vacation.

Give Employees Autonomy

“I really love my boss breathing down my neck and micro-managing all aspects of my job,” said no employee ever! Human beings like autonomy; it makes them feel that they are in control and gives them ownership of their work.

Granting your employees some measure of autonomy, letting them work at their own pace within the deadline or letting them contribute to the goals and plans of the company can increase engagement, motivation, and productivity. It also makes employees know that their boss trusts them to do the right thing.

Although there is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to inspiring your employees, all of the ideas mentioned above have been proven to work well in office environments. In fact, there are plenty more ideas that you can explore to make your employees happy. After all, satisfied and inspired employees are the secret to any workplace’s success.

New Study Shows Garlic Enhances Memory and Offer Other Health Benefits

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Do you know that someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds? Over 44 million people in the world suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other memory-related disorder. In the United States alone, 5.8 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. No one knows the true cause of these neurodegenerative diseases and there is no cure.

Seeing this gap in knowledge, scientists decided to investigate if there is an association between our aging digestive system and development of memory problems and whether garlic could prevent the decline.

Here’s what they found!

Role of Garlic in Reducing Risks of Memory Loss Disorders

According to a research study presented at the 2019 Experimental Biology meeting in Florida, scientists who experimented on mice believe garlic provides health benefits to our brains via our guts. The team fed oral supplements of allyl sulfide, an organic compound in garlic, to 24-month old mice and observed that those who were fed the micronutrient maintained healthy gut bacteria which reduce intestinal inflammation and improve short and long-term memories.

Here’s How Garlic Changes Our Gut

Garlic has long been known as a prebiotic and feeds the beneficial bacteria in our guts. Our gut contains trillions of microorganisms and research shows that healthy gut microbiomes have a positive effect on our mental health. In fact, some studies suggest that patients who had low gut bacteria suffered from depression.

Research shows that the number of gut microbiota diminishes with age and that is when memory-related disorders, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, develop. This is because the resident bacteria in our gut regulate immunity, inflammation, production of vitamins, carbohydrate metabolism, detoxification, production of essential neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, and levels of neuronal-derived natriuretic factor (NDNF) gene expression, a gene which affects our memories.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Whether it’s sliced, baked, or beaten to a pulp, garlic tastes wonderful in all our food (even though it may not smell that great). Now, you have got another reason to add this delicious superfood to all your favorite recipes. Aside from preventing memory loss, garlic offers a whole host of benefits.

Fighting Common Cold

Now we know why our mothers gave us garlic mixed in honey when we had a cold. A daily supplement of garlic can reduce chances of cold by 63% and cold symptoms by 70%.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Heightened levels of blood pressure and hypertension can result in a stroke or heart attack. Garlic can help reduce blood pressure in just 24 weeks.

Reducing Heart Disease Risk

Daily intake of garlic can reduce cholesterol level by 10 to 15%. It can also reduce the risks of heart attack, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease by increasing the flexibility of our blood vessels and decreasing blood vessel damage due to inflammation.

Increases Bone Density

Garlic minimizes bone loss, particularly, in aging females, who have low estrogen levels. It also decreased the risk of bone-related disorders like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Decreases Cancer Risk

Garlic consumption has been shown to reduce risks of cancer in the mouth, larynx, pharynx, and the esophagus as well as the stomach.

Suggested Daily Intake of Garlic to Maximize Benefits

Research suggests that approximately 20 grams of garlic in food form should be taken 1 to 3 times a week for best health results. Most experts advice eating raw garlic, which has been crushed or chopped.

Let it sit for 15 minutes to trigger the formation of beneficial compounds like allicin. If you cannot tolerate eating raw garlic, add it in your food towards the end of the cooking time so that the high temperatures do not break down the essential nutrients in it.

There is no reason not to eat garlic; not only is this vegetable crispy and delicious, but it also comes with life-saving benefits and promises longevity. Browse the internet and you will find tons of mouthwatering recipes in which garlic is the star ingredient!